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High School Credits

These are the credit breakdowns and possible course names for each of the years of Lamp + Light. The minimum number of credits possible [plus a math class each year] will be 27. Even with the lightest of courses with Lamp + Light, your child should have more than enough credits to graduate before even adding in any extra electives if they choose to do that. *Always be sure to check your state’s homeschooling requirements.


There is a guide below the credit breakdowns for math classes that may be taken during the high school years. There is also a guide below for if your child needs to add a specific science class for either state homeschool requirements [not always applicable] or for specific college requirements. Each college and state are different, so please check what is required for your student and situation. 


Followed by that information are some additional elective ideas. Your children can do these types of classes as solo work. This teaches them further independence by taking ownership of their education. Let them choose whatever interests them, but maybe also add a course that will benefit them such as a personal finance class or an economics course. 


Below all of that is a sample transcript with credits for a college bound child, including sample electives. 



Year 1

Faith: Bible - 1 credit 

History: Protestant Church History I - 1 credit

Fine Arts: Watercolor - .5 credit 

Science: Astronomy & Nature Study - 1 credit 

English: Lamp + Light English & Literature - 1 credit 

Music: Hymns & Worship Music - .5 credit
Add Math - 1 credit 


TOTAL: 6 credits [including math]

Year 2

Faith: Bible - 1 credit 

History: Protestant Church History II - 1 credit 

Fine Arts: Musical Instrument - 1 credit 

Science: Herbology, Human Anatomy, & Nature Study - 1 credit

English: Lamp + Light English & Literature - 1 credit  

Personal Growth: Nutrition, Personal Fitness, & Interpersonal Studies* - 1 credit 

Add Math - 1 credit


TOTAL: 7 credits [including math] 

​*This is the Family Time Class

Year 3

Faith: Bible - 1 credit 

History: American History I & US Geography I – 1.5 credits 

Fine Arts: Art History - .5 credit 

Science: Ecology, Zoology, & Nature Study - 1 credit
English: Lamp + Light English & Literature - 1 credit 

Personal Growth: Etiquette - .5 credit 

Music: Hymn Study & Worship Music - .5 credit

Add Math - 1 credit 

TOTAL: 7 credits [including math]

Year 4

Faith: Bible - 1 credit 

History: American History II & US Geography II - 1.5 credits 

Fine Arts: Composer Studies - .5 credit

Science: Meteorology, Botany, & Nature Study - 1 credit

English: Lamp + Light English & Literature - 1 credit 

Personal Growth: American Sign Language - .5 credit 

Music: Hymn Study & Worship Music - .5 credit

Add Math - 1 credit 


TOTAL: 7 credits [including math] 

Year 5

Faith: Bible - 1 credit 

History: World History I & World Geography I – 1.5 credits 

Fine Arts: World Architecture - .5 credit 

Science: Mechanical Energy, Inventions & Technology, & Nature Study - 1 credit 

English: Lamp + Light English & Literature - 1 credit 

Personal Growth: Typing - .5 credit 

Music: Hymn Study & Worship Music - .5 credit

Add Math - 1 credit 


TOTAL: 7 credits [including math]

Year 6

Faith: Bible - 1 credit 

History: World History II & World Geography II – 1.5 credits 

Fine Arts: TBD - .5 credit 

Science: TBD - 1 credit 

English: Lamp + Light English & Literature - 1 credit 

Personal Growth: TBD - .5 credit 

Music: Hymn Study & Worship Music - .5 credit

Add Math - 1 credit 


TOTAL : 7 credits [including math]



Math Recommended Course of Study [if required by state or by specific college entrance admissions]:

9th: Pre-Algebra or Algebra I

10th: Algebra I or Geometry 

11th: Geometry or Algebra II or Trigonometry 

12th: Algebra II or Trigonometry or PreCalculus or Calculus 



Science Recommended Course of Study [if required by state or by specific college entrance admissions]: CK-12 is a program that has the textbooks [interactive!] available for FREE online [and you can download them]. The only cost is the lab materials for Biology and Chemistry; while not cheap, this is the best budget option available for a complete study. [Check it out here]


9th Grade: Earth, Life, or Physical Science [CK-12] 

10th Grade: Biology [w/Lab at CK-12]

11th Grade: Chemistry [w/Lab at CK-12]

12th Grade: Physics [CK-12]  

Ideas for Electives: 

These can be taken through online resources, at a local community college, or you can put them together yourself with the help of someone local who specializes in the subject, if you do not. 

  • Personal Finance [Dave Ramsey High School Homeschool Edition]

  • Foreign Language [at least 2 credits]

  • Auto/Mechanics

  • Woodworking/Building

  • Government & Economics

  • Accounting

  • CPR Training

  • Interior Design

  • Computer Programming

  • Film Studies

  • Photography

  • Home Economics

  • Creative Writing

  • World Literature

  • British Literature

  • Dance

  • Karate

  • Yoga

  • Weight Training

  • Any Sport

  • Agriculture

  • Psychology

  • Visual Arts [Jewelry, Printmaking, Sculpture, etc.]

  • Drivers Education

  • Robotics

Sample of a Completed Transcript: 

The below sample is for a child using Lamp + Light with added electives that is attending a university that requires specific science courses. If you do not need that, just omit the science courses with [CK-12] next to them. *Note: This is a heavy course load and may not be necessary. It is always best to look at the specific requirements of colleges your child may be interested in to get an idea of what is actually needed.



College Admission Transcript


Freshman Year 


​English: Lamp + Light English & Literature I - 1 credit 

Math: Algebra I - 1 credit

History: Protestant Church History I - 1 credit

Science: Earth Science [CK-12] & Nature Study I - 1.5 credits

Faith: Bible I - 1 credit 

Foreign Language: Spanish I - 1 credit

Music: Hymns & Worship Music - .5 credit 

Elective: British Literature - 1 credit


TOTAL: 8 credits 


Sophomore Year 


English: Lamp + Light English & Literature II - 1 credit 

Math: Geometry - 1 credit 

History: Protestant Church History II - 1 credit 

Science: Biology [w/Lab at CK-12] & Nature Study II - 2 credits
Faith: Bible II - 1 credit 

Foreign Language: Spanish II - 1 credit 

Fine Arts: Musical Instrument - 1 credit 

Personal Growth: Interpersonal Studies - .5 credit 

Elective: Drivers Education - .5 credit


TOTAL: 9 credits 

Junior Year 


English: Lamp + Light English & Literature III - 1 credit 

Math: Algebra II - 1 credit 

History: American History & US Geography I - 1.5 credits  

Science: Chemistry [w/Lab at CK-12] & Nature Study III - 2 credits

Faith: Bible III - 1 credit

Fine Arts: Art History - .5 credit 

Personal Growth: Etiquette - .5 credit 

Music: Hymn Study & Worship Music - .5 credit

Elective: Government & Economics - 1 credit


TOTAL: 9 credits 

Senior Year  


English: Lamp + Light English & Literature IV - 1 credit 

Math: Trigonometry - 1 credit 

History: American History & US Geography II - 1.5 credit 

Science: Physics [CK-12] & Nature Study IV - 1.5 credits

Faith: Bible IV - 1 credit 

Fine Arts: Composer Studies - .5 credit

Personal Growth: American Sign Language - .5 credit 

Music: Hymn Study & Worship Music - .5 credit

Elective: Photography - .5 credit

Elective: Personal Finance - 1 credit


TOTAL: 9 credits


*You could easily lighten the load.

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